Lozjuk R.M., Lisnyak O.I., Lozjuk L.V.

Medical Institute, Lviv, Ukraine

An experimental study of the preparation Ukrain for confirming its theoretically substantiated properties in comparison with amitozine, as its structural and functional analogue, and two other functional analogues: methisazone (against herpesvirus and poxvirus) and remantadine (against grippevirus), has been carried out.

The experiments were carried out on Albino Swiss mice of either sex weighing initially 18-20 g. They were kept at room temperature (20° - 21° C) on a natural day-night cycle, were housed in groups of ten per cage and had free access to food and water. The substances activity Kas determined concerning grippe virus of A type (England) 42/72 (H3K2) in the investigations in ovo and in vivo. The beginning of the treatment - 2 hours after infikation. The control animals, infikated by appropriate virus dose, were injected placebo. About the investigated remedies activity we guessed according to mediia duration of mice life of subexperimental and control groups (duration of experimets - 14 days), the degree of intensivity of pulmonary tissue changes and difference in medial titres HR.

The sum of Chelidonium majus alkaloids, thiophosphamide (alkalizing agent), the sum of alkaloids modificated by Thiotepa and some others alkaloids as their alkalized derivatives showed statistically reliable inhibiting effect. The lost significant biological activity wes demonstrated by Ukrain as to the models of viral processes; the sum of alkaloids and amitozine - as to the models of associated infections.

Antiviral activity on the model of leucosis of viral origin (Marek's disease and of the virus of cattle leucosis) was demonstrated by the isatizon and Ukrain.

This coincides with the results of biological approbation of modifikated products (3,5,1) with going out components - alkaloids in particular, or alkilik substances.